Prep school begins in Form 3 and continues through to Form 6, with an increased pace of education allowing our children to learn and develop more as people.

In the Prep department at Hilden Oaks, academic expectations are gradually raised, stretching each child to give their best performance. Our curriculum ensures children are thoroughly prepared for entrance exams to their next school, whether this is the the Kent Test (11 plus) and/or Common Entrance. We value the whole child and assist them in realising their full potential, exploring their own individual talents and developing in self determination.

In Forms 3 and 4, core academic subjects are taught by form teachers whilst specialist teachers lead children in PE, French, Spanish, ICT and music. Science is taught both by form teachers as well as specialist teachers. This emphasis changes in Forms 5 and 6 as children spend more of their time with specialist teachers.

In Forms 5 and 6, children are given extra personal responsibilities such as monitor or library duties. This enables them to grow in confidence and maturity.

Smaller class sizes at Hilden Oaks mean that individual attention is a given. Academically, the school typically performs well above the national average at Key Stage 2, and pupils benefit from numerous subjects taught in addition to the core syllabus. Our children enjoy superb pass rates for Common Entrance and 11 Plus, giving parents added flexibility of choice between independent and grammar schools.

Prep Curriculum

In Forms 3–6, pupils follow an extended and accelerated version of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2. This covers the same range of subjects as the Key Stage 1 curriculum but allows for the fact that the vast majority of pupils arrive in Form 3, significantly ahead of national expectations for the end of Key Stage 1.

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • PE & Sport

  • French

  • History

  • Geography

  • Computing

  • Art & Design Technology

  • Religious Education

  • Music

  • Thinking Skills (Think Curriculum)

  • Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education (PSCHE)

Many of the children, when they reach Form 6, will sit the Kent Test (11 Plus) and/or the Independent Schools’ Examination Board (ISEB) Common Entrance Test. Whilst there is a focus on helping pupils prepare for these important milestones throughout Forms 3 - 5, this is by no means a school that merely teaches to the test. Pupils benefit from carefully differentiated lesson plans that are designed to challenge and stretch the more able, and to enable those whose developmental level necessitates additional support, in order to successfully access the curriculum.

The Creative Curriculum continues to feature highly in Forms 3–6, as do music and PE. Although a comparatively small school, Hilden Oaks consistently performs very creditably on the sports field and our musicians and performers contribute significantly to the cultural life of the school.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) team work alongside class teachers, parents and outside agencies to ensure that all children have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Our SEND focus encompasses both those with learning or emotional needs and those who are at the able & gifted end of the range of ability.

Hilden Oaks offers a wide ranging and robust curriculum, taught by highly skilled practitioners. Pupils are supported to achieve outstanding results in both 11 plus and Common Entrance, with the overwhelming majority of pupils achieving places at their secondary school of choice. Furthermore, we place great importance on teaching pupils the skill of independent learning and nurturing a sense of responsibility for and pride in their own achievements. Our commitment to each and every child is that the choices open to him or her on leaving Hilden Oaks, will never be limited by unfulfilled potential.