Preparing our Preschoolers

Hilden Oaks Preschool for 3 to 4 year olds has recently been renamed as such, to reflect the excellent preparation that the children are given prior to moving into Reception.

Our Preschool aims high, to give children the best possible start to their education and place each child at the centre of everything we do. Our team are highly skilled professionals, who have an in-depth understanding of early child development. We support the children to learn through play, both inside and outside, closely following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, in order to develop and track each child’s learning and development.

Preschool children start to experience a little more structure in their daily routine to prepare them for their transition to Reception.  This includes daily mathematics and phonics, as well as regular music and PE, taught by specialist teachers.  We also involve them in some of the main school activities, start to introduce them to their new Reception teachers, and offer parent information evenings. By the time the children move into Reception from Preschool, they have the security and confidence to commence more structured learning in a friendly and familiar environment.

We currently have a few Preschool places available for children aged 3 to 4 years. If you would like to find out more about our fabulous Preschool, or wish to book a visit, please contact our registrar

“I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” - Confucius

Sarah Earl