Welcome from
our Headteacher, Mrs Sharon Wade.
Values-based Education
“Pupils show a strong desire to do the best they can, in a school which encourages reflection and aspirational attributes, through an agreed set of values that are regularly referred to during daily school activities. These have a positive impact on pupils’ attainment over time.”
This was a really fun activity for the children to do with their parents during half term.
Three Form 3 pupils completed their Brownie Mindfulness Badge activities with Mrs King, our Mindfulness Lead.
Form 2 were lucky enough to have Mrs Flynn come into school to speak to them about the invention of braille.
The children in Kindergarten have been acting out scenes from the traditional tale 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'
Our Head Boy, Head Girl and two House Captains took part in the Mayor’s Debate at the TMBC council offices in West Malling.
Former Hilden Oaks parents, Mrs Halford, talked to Form 6 about her experiences of creating and developing businesses.
This year’s theme was 'Too Good to be True? - Protecting yourself and others from scams online'.
Form 1 have been looking at similarities and differences between Christian and Jewish weddings.
This half-term, Form 6 have been studying Tingatinga art, which originates from East Africa
Preschool have been re-enacting the story of the Three Little Pigs